Pulilan Carabao Pekan Raya From The Phillipines!!

Jejak Panda Hai.. Bertemu Lagi Di Website Kesayangan Anda situs bandarq The History 5000 years ago, people don’t have surnames, they are only identified through their occupation. Labrador (meaning laborer) identifies those who perform hard work in the fields. San Isidro is one of them, a tenant of a certain land. Despite his tardiness he always finishes his tasks for that day. His landlord wondered how the laborer finished his work despite being late, so one time he went to the field to see for himself how San Isidro does his job. Upon arriving at the field he saw an angel plowing the field. In shock and awe the landlord knelt, a scene immortalized in various images of San Isidro Labrador. The Festival Pulilan Carabao Festival was created in gaji of the carabao, the farmer’s companion in the fields and his helping hand during plantation and harvest, but the main reason on why it was created is...